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Get Familiar With Your Coffee – Know The Types Of Coffee Bean

There are so many varieties of coffee out there, with their own distinct taste and smell. Few of them include Bengal Coffee, Congo Coffee, Liberian Coffee, and so on. But most of these coffee bean types are not found in the international market, and are consumed mostly locally. Notice that their names also include the place of their origin.

A lot of people distinguish coffee beans on the basis of their color, that is green coffee beans and brown coffee beans, but it’s not so. The difference in the color is caused due to roasting. There are two main coffee beans types out there that are widely known in the international market, and consumed worldwide. These are Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta.

Coffee Arabica

Out of the two, Coffee Arabica is the most bought and sold coffee beans type in the world. It covers more than 75% of the coffee market. Coffee Arabica is considered the highest quality coffee out there. The plants bearing Coffee Arabica grows at a high altitude, 600 m to 1200 m above sea level.

It requires a lot of care, as it is susceptible to diseases and pests, and the reaped amount of coffee cherries per season is quite low. The taste of Arabica Coffee largely depends on where it is grown. But mostly, it ranges between sweet/ soft to sharp/ tangy. And, it has this really perfume sort of smell. The coffee bean type has very less amount of caffeine in comparison to other coffee beans types.

Coffee Robusta

Coffee Robusta is another coffee beans type that is widely available in the international market. However, it fulfills the needs of only a quarter of the coffee buyers all over the world. Coffee Robusta is considered as a lower quality coffee than Coffee Arabica. Coffee Robusta plant can be grown at lower altitude, almost at sea level. It requires less attention, as they’re immune to pests and diseases, and the harvest is quite big in quantity. Coffee Robusta has a harsh, raw peanut kind of taste; it is aromatic though. However, the amount of caffeine in this coffee is twice as much as Coffee Arabica.

Coffee Bean Types in Nepal

In Nepal, mostly Coffee Arabica is grown. As most parts of the country are filled with hills, growing Coffee Arabica is the best option for Nepal. The coffee grown in Nepal is considered of a very high quality. Provided that the roasting and packaging is done right, the taste of Nepal grown Coffee Arabica is quite ideal. Coffee was first grown in Nepal in 1938 AD, in Gulmi. Coffee production started commercially in Nepal in the year 1975 AD.

Peaberry Coffee Beans

A type of Coffee Bean also found in Nepal is Peaberry Coffee Bean. This is not a separate variety of coffee plant, rather Peaberry Coffee Beans can grow in all types of coffee plants. Usually, coffee cherries produced in any plant has two beans each. However, at times, instead of two beans, there’s only one. The resulting bean is round shaped, and bigger than the rest of the beans. Around 5% of all coffee cherries has this kind of bean. These beans are rare, and so, are sold separately. When it comes to taste and aroma, Peaberry beans are quite similar to the regular beans.

Himalayan Coffee Trading offers the best quality locally grown organic coffee in it showroom. The company also sells world renowned brands of coffee machines. Himalayan Coffee Trading also works to create awareness about the difference between instant coffee and coffee with beans. It trains the young aspiring baristas to help them gain coffee making and coffee machine repairing skill.

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