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Avoid These Common Coffee Machine Problems

Coffee Machines are pieces of technology, and like any other piece of technology, at times, they may not perform well. Coffee Machines in Nepal often face common coffee machine problems. Now, most of these coffee machine problems can be handled by the user itself. Only in special scenarios coffee machine repairing is required.

The following are the ways how you can avoid these common coffee machine problems, which occur in Coffee Machines in Nepal.

Coffee Lipid Build Up

One of the most common problems with automatic coffee machines is the black sticky coffee lipid build up. It happens on exposed areas in the machine, after it has been used for a long time. The oil in the ground coffee is responsible for this. The lipid can affect the taste and smell of the coffee, making it bitter and unappealing. You need to ensure that you clean the coffee machine properly, atleast twice every month, to prevent this problem.

Slow or Quick Coffee Dispense

The machine will dispense coffee too slowly, if the coffee is ground too fine, and on the other hand, it might dispense the coffee too quickly if the coffee is ground too coarse. The slowly dispensed coffee may be too bitter, while the quickly dispensed coffee may not have sufficient taste.

coffee machine problemThe machine may also dispense coffee too slowly if the filter is blocked. This can happen especially when the filters are not cleaned properly. Also keep in mind to use the right kind of water while cleaning. Water with too much mineral content can calcify the filter, which is another reason for slow coffee dispense.

Slow or No Milk Dispense

The coffee machine may dispense milk too slow if the milk frothers are clogged up. This happens when the unit is not cleaned over a period of time. Also, at times the coffee machine may not be able to froth milk, and therefore, there is no dispense. In that case, you could either adjust the operating pressure to a higher setting, or change the milk to notice the impact.

Coffee Grains Land In The Cup

There’s nothing as terrible as a cup of espresso with bits of coffee grains in it. This usually happens when the coffee filters are damaged, or are not able to filter the coffee bean particles properly. This right thing to do in this case is to replace your filter.

The problem might also occur if the filter holder is leaking, or if the filter basket in the machine is not correct. You can try fixing these to see of it solves the problem.

No Hot Water or Steam Dispense

You coffee machine might find it troublesome to dispense hot water and steam. This probably means that the operating pressure is not at the right setting. Unless the boiler receives the adequate pressure, it will not be able to boil water. So, the right thing to do is to try a higher setting on the operating pressure to see if everything turns normal.

If you’re facing the same problems, and even after trying these tips, they won’t go away, get an expert for coffee machine repairing. You might want to avoid making things worse.

Himalayan Coffee Trading sells the best quality locally grown coffee, and the world renowned brands of coffee machines. The company also offers professional barista training, and Coffee machine maintenance training.

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