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How To Roast Your Coffee Beans- 3 Simple Ways

Before getting into how to roast coffee beans, first we need to understand what we’re looking for in a roasted coffee beans. It is crucial to roast coffee beans because of two reasons. The first reason is that it becomes crunchy after roasting. Crunchy beans can be evenly grounded in comparison to soft beans. The second reason why it’s crucial to roast coffee beans is because it releases carbon dioxide after being roasted. The gas is crucial for giving it that aroma and taste, and keeping it fresh for a long time.

The Roasting Process

Now, there are a couple of things you need to consider during the roasting process. First of all the temperature. You need to ensure that the temperature is between 160 degrees Celsius to 180 degrees Celsius. Anything less or more can ruin your coffee. Another thing that you need to focus on is the cracking noise. No matter what medium you’re using to roast your coffee, always pay close attention to the cracking noise, as it is the noise that indicates that your coffee is done.

Depending on the medium, 5 to 15 min after roasting your coffee, you’ll hear the first crack. This means that the beans are lightly roasted. 5 more min after the first crack, you’ll hear the second crack, which indicates that the beans are medium roasted. Now, though you could stop roasting right after you hear the first crack, it is recommended that you let the second crack happen and wait for further 30 seconds before turning off the heat. This will give you the best coffee.

Another important thing is to cool your coffee. Make sure that you lay down your coffee and let it rest, so that it cools completely, before storing or grinding it. Cooling the coffee beans enhances the taste of the drink.

How To Roast Coffee BeansHow To Roast Coffee Beans

These are three basic ways of roasting coffee beans. They are as follows:


One of the ways to roast coffee beans is in an oven. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Put the coffee beans on a tray, and make sure to spread it evenly, so that every bean is roasted in a uniform manner. Put the tray inside the oven. Now, this is the difficult part. After every 1-2 min you need to take the tray out, move the beans, and put the tray back in. if you don’t do so, the beans won’t be roasted properly. Look out for the cracking noise. Once you hear the second one, take the beans out, and lay them over on a different tray for cooling.


One of the simplest ways of roasting coffee is in a pan. Simply bring up the heat to match the temperature, put in your coffee beans and keep stirring. Once you hear the noise, take the beans out on a separate tray and let it cool.

Coffee Roaster

Roasting coffee beans in a roaster is quite similar to doing it in the oven. However, things are quite easy in this case as you don’t need to keep moving the beans. Simply preheat the roaster up to the require temperature, put the beans in, and once you hear the noise, pull it out.

Himalayan Coffee Trading features the most renowned brands of coffee making machines from all over the world in its showroom. They also sell locally produced best quality coffee. Himalayan Coffee Trading also offers professional coffee making training to the aspiring baristas, or anyone else who simply wants to learn the art.

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